Reiki Healing & Treatments


Reiki Healing & Treatments

Reiki Treatments & healing in Rishikesh, India

Himalayan Yoga Retreat has two fully certified Reiki masters who have completed The Reiki Master level training under the Usui Shiki Rioho School of Reiki. Swami Rakesh who is a Master Healer & Super Reiki Expert with 22yrs of worldwide experience, students from all over the world come for certification & with His love for Humanity he teaches & gives healing through God’s Power. One to two hours of Reiki Healing treatments are offered, that work both on the physical and subtle planes. The treatments are extremely relaxing and accelerate healing on many levels. Experience a revitalizing sense of well-being and inner peace with the help of Reiki, a Japanese technique used to reduce stress and encourage relaxation, and thus, promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing, as well as enhance the body’s natural healing abilities.

Swami Rakesh offers one-on-one Reiki training with students along with an opportunity to practice Reiki in groups. Even though the allotted time for Reiki I and II are 3 days each and Reiki III and Master Level is 7 days, Swami Rakesh will take additional days to ensure students successfully complete the course. Student can join Reiki course at any time.

Reiki Rishikesh - Himalayan Yoga Retreat

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words Rei & Kl Japanese KanJI ideograms have many levels of meanings. Reiki means universal and an esoteric meaning is a supernatural knowledge or spiritual consciousness, it is the wisdom that comes from God or the higher self. This is the God consciousness, which knows all – it understands each person completely. It knows the cause of all problems and difficulties and knows what to do to heal them. Reiki means the same as Chi in Chinese, Prana in Sanskrit.

Besides animating the body. It is also the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts and spiritual life. It is the God-consciousness called Rei that guides the universal life force called Ki in the practice we call Reiki, Reiki can be defined as spiritually guided energy.

About Reiki

Reiki guides itself with its own wisdom. The practitioner doesn’t decide what to heal and can’t direct Reiki with his/her intentions. The practitioner is not the doer/healer; the practitioner is only a channel through which Reiki flows.  Reiki flows more freely when the practitioner can put the ego and mind out of the way (meditation during the treatment helps,) leaving everything to Reiki, surrendering to Reiki.  As long as the practitioner is a true channel they will be protected from taking on any karma or sicknesses from the patients.

Because Reiki is guided by God-consciousness, it can never harm, it knows what the person needs and will adjust itself to create the effect that is appropriate for them.  Because Reiki is channeled healing, the practitioner doesn’t use their own energy and thus their energy doesn’t get depleted during a treatment.  Giving a treatment actually increases one’s energy since Reiki ‘s consciousness considers both the practitioner and the patient in need of healing, so both receive treatment. Reiki is spiritual in nature and is not a religion. One doesn’t need to believe in God or anything else in order to practice Reiki.  Reiki does not depend on belief at all and will work whether practitioners/patients believe it or not.

History of Reiki?

Reiki has been traced thousands of years back.  Evidence of this form of healing has been found in Tibet, China, India, Egypt, Japan, Greek, and Roman cultures. A Japanese healer named Dr. Usui, in the late nineteenth century rediscovered Reiki. It is claimed that he found the formula for contacting a higher power that could bestow healing in an Indian sutra.

It is said that after fasting, meditating and following the directions of the formula for 21 days he was struck by a beam of light in the forehead and initiated into Reiki.  Dr. Usui practiced Reiki until his death, but before his death, Dr. Chijaro Hayashi took his place.  Dr. Hayashi ran a private clinic in Tokyo until his death in 1941.  Dr. Hayashi introduced Reiki to his successor and one of them named Mrs. Hawayo Takata, who lived in Hawaii U.S.A.  introduced Reiki to the west and trained 22 Reiki masters who passed it on from there.

Reiki is a holistic healing technique where the Reiki practitioner channels Reiki energy which is a unique potent form of life force energy. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance or joyful peace that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, mind, and soul creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation, feelings of peace, security and well-being.  Many have reported miraculous results.  Reiki can help you find true happiness in life.

Reiki Course by Swami Rakesh in Rishikesh

Swami Rakesh offers one-on-one Reiki training with students along with an opportunity to practice Reiki in groups. Even though the usual time for Reiki levels 1 & 2 is three days and the master level is seven.