Our 100 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course is for almost everyone and anyone, with any foundation, identity, or religion. Be prepared, it might open up the entryway of unimaginable journey. This journey will amaze your body mind and soul and give you an experience of a lifetime and a career in peace if you choose to go for it. All that being said, it is important that you receive the right guidance and complete the course with full dedication.
The medium of teaching in this course is English, so it requires a specific measure of capability in the language in order to deal with and react to the directions and lectures. There are no certified qualifications to be proven for this though. As long as you can understand what is being taught and interact with the faculties to gain most out of the course, you are good to go.
The age of the Candidate shouldn’t be under 18 or above 60 at the point of confirmation. In the event of any of these circumstances an earlier authorization is mandatory.
People with wounds or illness of any kind are encouraged to reach out to a Medical expert prior to joining the course. We may request a letter of consent from a medical expert if it is required. In the event of pregnancy, a declaration of clinical approval is a non negotiable requirement.
In the event, if a member is found ill suited to finish the 100 hour Yoga teacher training course, We reserve all rights to suspend his/her course with no refunds. In the event of such unavoidable circumstances the school may permit members to finish the course later at similar expense and no extra charges.
We would like to inform you that the customary Indian methodology of designing the 100 hour Yoga teacher training course may vary from the western point of view. During the Course, it is very much possible that the Yogic path preached is on a very different level as preached in the Yoga schools of the west. Therefore it’s advised that the members accustom themselves to this methodology prior to joining the course.
In the event that you are expecting Yoga to be just a modified form of exercise than joining our Yoga school may not be the best choice for you as we preach Yoga as a way of life rather than an exercise regime. We recommend you to apply for our 100 hour yoga teacher training course only if you are prepared to elevate yourself to the severe system of Yogic standards and guidelines.